The weekly sessions continue…

So I recently received the 6 of 12 weekly sessions I am having with the Achtermann’s. Previous to beginning this regimen I typically received chiropractic adjustments at anywhere from 3 – 6 week intervals, mostly depending on my activity and stress level. So that this blog may be more meaningful, I will provide some background information.

It is summertime and there is no average day for me. During the school year I work part time at a local school and I do massage. During the break, I do a variety of odd jobs, domestic projects, intellectual pursuits and a variety of fun activities. Lately I have been getting up 7 and 8 a.m. I would like to get up closer to 6 a.m. to take advantage of the cooler weather for walking or biking, but I also enjoy reading before I go to bed – and lately I have let my books keep me up til about 11. I truly need 8-9 hours of sleep a night and if I have a restless night, I slog through the next day. Fortunately, the last couple of weeks my sleep has been good and consistent. Gotta love a good night’s sleep! I have also noticed that I have not been going through the midafternoon heavy eyelid phase that I was experiencing about 4 weeks ago. My energy has been pretty consistent although it drops if I do a lot of activity.

I don’t get sick a lot – perhaps a cold per year. Exhaustion usually gets me before my immune system lets down. Lately, however, I have had steady chest congestion that has led to an obnoxious cough – somewhat disrupting to my daily activities. Three weeks into this thing, I feel I have better control of it although I experience discomfort on my throat when I sneeze – which thankfully isn’t often.

I participate in a variety of exercise and right now I don’t have a set schedule of when I’m doing what. I try to do 30-60 minutes of aerobic activity 3-6 times per week and either weights or some kind of resistance exercise at least 2 times a week. I stretch every day and often go to a yoga class 1-2 times per week. Some of my preferred activities are walking 2-3 miles, hiking, riding my bike, water aerobics, weights and yoga. I take the stairs whenever I can and generally park on the periphery of the grocery store parking lot. I have been working on losing weight gradually (as I gained it) and have lost 10 pounds since January. I aim to lose another 10 pounds in the next three months.

For the treatments I am receiving from Dr. Marty and Dr. Karen, we are focusing on my leg length discrepancy as well as my mid/upper back, neck and shoulders. About 10 days ago I started wearing a no.7 heel lift in my right shoe. I remember the first few days my legs feeling particularly tired. There was also some achiness along the lateral side of my knee. That didn’t last long and now I don’t even notice that the lift is there. I am surprised that I am able to go without the lift (if I’m wearing shoes that are incompatible) without discomfort. In other words, I don’t feel discomfort with or without it (I was afraid that it would be uncomfortable if I went without it even briefly) and the docs assure me that in the long run it will prevent my hip from wearing out prematurely.

The focus on my upper back and neck area has really been centered on C7-T1 and the tops of the shoulders. My treatments are usually in the morning and by evening, I do have a headache. The discomfort starts just medial to my scapula and migrates up to my occiput. It definitely feels muscular. I’ve used moist heat and relaxation, but it’s really ibuprofen that takes care of it and it’s usually only the evening of the treatment. I haven’t noticed much change in my neck yet although there does seem to be more balance between right and left sides.

Overall, my energy levels seem more even, I am sleeping better at night, and I am able to maintain my exercise schedule without wearing out. I find it much easier to stand upright rather than collapsed in my midsection. My moods have also be steady and I am motivated to get things done. Thank you Docs!

The Second Treatment

Okay, here we go again…I’ve already written this post and !poof! it is gone. Perhaps it will be better the second time written…

My second treatment was a week ago. My main complaints were that “trapezius” area and a new one, my left leg falling asleep while I was sitting. I blame the latter on an increase in leg exercises – biking, stair climbing, hill walking combined with the scoliosis. Dr. Marty treated my hips and so far so good – no narcoleptic legs since then. 🙂 He also manually adjusted around C7-T1. A bit jolting as I don’t usually go for the manual manipulations on my neck, but it felt okay. He also “drilled” around the area medial to my left scapula (shoulder blade). I left feeling taller and more upright – always a very nice sensation.

The next day, I noticed soreness in my rib area, especially when I would exhale after a large inhalation. My guess is that it was the intercostals contracting. It was a good sore – like “I got a great workout the other day” sore. It did not cause a headache and the soreness was gone within a few days. I can’t say that I felt any long term benefits, per se, seeing as my shoulders find a myriad of reasons to tense up – physical stress, emotional stress, dehydration, hormonal imbalance. I believe those things of mine that hold up my arms work in cahoots with my neck to keep me ever aware of my body. This week I offered them the opportunity to seize via doing a few deep tissue massages and haul rocks for a landscaping projects. Actually, the tension effects were minimal with just a minor headache.

Alas, occasionally I think about where I’d be if I’d stayed on the course I was on 20 years ago. I had just been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I was in constant pain. I was not sleeping at night. I had no energy, no motivation and I was depressed. Whether I was aware of it or not, on some level I made a conscious choice. My path was massage school. Your path could be anything that opens your awareness of your body and your being. I learned about nutrition, alternative forms of wellness. I explored chiropractic, acupuncture, tai chi, qi gong and of course various forms of bodywork. I’m almost 50  – at 30 I could hardly move. Today, I’m active and energetic. Life is not perfect for me – I still have pain, a few sleepless nights – but they are all manageable. With the Achtermanns’ help, I hope that I move to an even higher level of wellness. God bless!

First Chiropractic Treatment

Okay, well it wasn’t really my first treatment…but it was my first in a series of 12 weekly sessions (which by the way I won due to the generosity of Dr. Marty and Dr. Karen!) I have been receiving chiropractic care for 20 years now from many different doctors.  I have been coming to the Achtermann’s for 7 or 8 years now on a rather intermittent basis. In my lumbar area, I have a 23 degree scoliotic curve. This causes ocassional low back and hip discomfort, but mostly I seem to experience pain and tension in my upperback, shoulders (especially the left) and neck with periodic headaches. The areas of tension can almost be traced along the trapezious – up to the occiput, down and out to the acromion of the shoulder and down through the mid thoracics – both sides.  Generally I just feel the discomfort on one side, but the next day it will be on the other side. If I don’t keep my chest and shoulder area stretched and massaged, I can experience thoracic outlet syndrome as well as tightness in the chest, especially when doing endurance activities (mind you, endurance for me is exercising our 16 year old mutt by running around the island in the kitchen – seriously, that much can cause pain down my arm and into my thumb!)

About 20 years ago I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I mostly manage it through stress management, yoga, moderate exercise, diet, massage and sleep.

Back to the first treatment of the series…May 23rd – Dr. Karen did the computer scan and found that there is some tension in my neck (around C3 I believe it was), my mid thoracic (T8?) and a little in the lumbar area relating to digestion. I was happy to see that I was as bad off as I usually feel. Stress has been low and I am exercising regularly. I was a bit afraid that the scan was going to light up like a Christmas tree! After the treatment, I didn’t notice anything remarkable. I did sleep better that night – I’ve been having some trouble with sleep lately, particularly falling asleep. But within a few nights, I was back to my tossing and turning. I did experience some tension in my neck leading to a slight headache, but that is pretty par for the course.